One-word Summary
I was asked if I had to summarize the trip with one word, what would I pick. I said, “Successful.” That was the overall feeling I had when I returned. Although efficiency is not something you can fully expect when you are serving in a foreign country with a language barrier, we had a great sense of accomplishment as we left. I had the privilege of co-leading an amazing group of men. Everyone filled in when needed, took on roles even when stretching, and laughed well together. We felt united throughout the trip, which was a huge answer to prayer.
Backup Word
The other word that almost won was “exhausted.” Since we went to Haiti during the hottest part of the year and stayed in a house with no air-conditioning, we sweated even in our sleep. There was also an extremely proactive rooster warning us of impending daylight from 11:30pm till the sunlight broke. Overall, none of us slept much throughout the week. Praise God He sustained us, and I was not afraid to drink some hot coffee each morning while sweating!
We had around 400 kids come each day to the combined VBS and Soccer Camp. We got into a pretty good rhythm, and God seemed to do some amazing things through the language barrier. One of the highlights of the week was a song that a team member, SunMin, wrote for VBS. The kids loved singing it with all the hand motions, and so “SunMin’s Song” became a daily hit. The VBS guys decided the soccer guys needed to learn it, so here is a video of all of us singing the song on the roof of the house we stayed at!
More highlights, learnings, and invitations to come in the next few weeks! Thank you so much for journeying with me through your finances, prayers, and general interest. I cannot be more grateful for the community and support that God has surrounded me with!